2024 ASPE Meetings & Events
39th ASPE Annual Meeting
The Westin Galleria
Houston, Texas, USA
Monday-Friday, November 4-8, 2024
Recent Meeting Highlights
Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Golden, CO July 15-19, 2024
38th ASPE Annual Meeting, Boston, MA November 12-17, 2023
Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Belgium September 19-21, 2023
Precision Bearings and Spindles, Charlotte, NC July 19-20, 2023
Precision Optical Metrology Workshop, Tucson, AZ March 6-7, 2023
37th ASPE Annual Meeting, Bellevue, WA October 10-14, 2022
Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Knoxville, TN July 11-14, 2022
About ASPE Meetings
ASPE holds its Annual Meeting in the fall of each year (usually late October or early November). Topics covered at the Annual Meetings oftentimes include but are not limited to Applications of Precision Engineering in Manufacturing, Precision Fabrication and Assembly, Design of Precision Machines and Instruments, Control of Precision Machines and Processes, Machine Tool Metrology, Dimensional Metrology, Ultraprecision Machining, Grinding, Polishing, and Lapping, Design and Fabrication of Structured Surfaces, Micro-Electromechanical Devices, Nanotechnology, Optics, Optical Metrology and Interferometry, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Surface Metrology, Novel Equipment and Processes, Measurement Uncertainty and Biomedical Engineering.
The location varies from year to year and is always held in U.S. cities promising to offer many attractions and easy access to surroundings. As the premier precision engineering conference in the U.S., each Annual Meeting offers the latest in precision engineering research through presentations from national and international speakers. Participants in the Annual Meeting have the opportunity to exchange ideas with internationally renowned experts in the field via the various activities listed below.
Oral and Poster Presentations > Covering a broad range of precision engineering topics, each Annual Meeting has technical and poster sessions with 25-30 oral presentations and 140-150 poster papers covering the latest research and applications in most all of the precision engineering areas.
Technical Exhibition > This exhibit showcases many precision engineering products and services from companies and organizations. The exhibitors range from tool manufacturers to suppliers to research institutions and is an excellent venue to gain exposure to international precision engineering professionals.
Commercial Session > The Commercial Session provides an opportunity for company representatives to make brief presentations on new products associated with precision engineering.
Tutorials > At each Annual Meeting, as many as 20 tutorials are offered on many precision engineering topics. These short-courses are taught by the world’s leading experts in the field and are very affordable. The tutorials are usually held on the first 2 days of the conference.
Technical Tours > ASPE usually organizes tours of nearby technical sites that are of interest to attendees. This group event provides an opportunity to visit the local area and interact with other precision engineering professionals.
Call for Manuscripts > The Annual Meeting Call for Papers is posted in December or January prior to the Annual Meeting date in October or November. Abstract guidelines and submissions are located on ASPE’s website.
Scholarships > A limited number of scholarships for students are available for the Annual Meeting and the request for applications is announced on the Call for Papers. Information and requirements for scholarships can be found on the ASPE website once the Call for Papers is posted.
ASPE also sponsors winter, spring and summer topical meetings, which focus on a more narrowly defined technical topic than the Annual Meeting.