2023 Summer Topical Meeting

Precision Bearings and Spindles
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Charlotte, North Carolina
Wednesday-Thursday, July 19-20, 2023

Byron R. Knapp, Professional Instruments Company
Eric R. Marsh, KLA
Don L. Martin, Martin-Mason LLC
Jimmie A. Miller, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Program & Schedule

The 2023 ASPE Summer Topical Meeting on Precision Bearings and Spindles focuses on linear and rotary bearings with particular emphasis on developments for precision applications. The intent of the meeting is to discuss state of the art research and development work on all bearing types including rolling element, flexure, oil, air, and magnetic. Presentations of both fundamental and applications-oriented work are encouraged, as are talks with significant tutorial content. The meeting begins with a tutorial session on spindle metrology including live demonstrations.

Recent developments in precision bearing technology present new opportunities and motivate this meeting. For example, vacuum-compatible air bearings and magnetic bearings are increasing being used for precision x-ray applications in synchrotrons, medical, and semiconductor applications. Linear bearings are now seeing use in high vacuum as well. Air bearing spindles used in ultra-precision diamond turning and grinding are reaching new levels of performance to meet the need for cost-effective custom optics and optical molds.

The objective of this meeting is to bring together specialists and practitioners from industry, government, and academia to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. The presentations will cover a broad range of technologies and highlight potential areas for future development. The meeting will emphasize discussions as much as the presentations and the participants are encouraged to identify areas needing further research.

Registration is limited to 50 participants.

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