40th ASPE Annual Meeting
Omni San Diego
Downtown San Diego and Gaslamp Quarter
San Diego, California, USA
Monday-Friday, November 3-7, 2025
John S. Taylor, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Continuing Our Mission in San Diego!
The mission of the American Society for Precision Engineering is to advance the arts, sciences, and technology of precision engineering, to promote its dissemination through education and training, and to promote its use by science and industry. Precision Engineering is a discipline encompassing the design, development and measurement of and for high-accuracy components. By extension, the field also includes the design of systems in which high dimensional accuracy is a central concern, as well as the design of machine tools and measuring machines to accomplish the necessary manufacture and measurement.
ASPE’s 40th Annual Meeting will be at the Omni San Diego in the heart of Downtown San Diego and the Gaslamp Quarter. San Diego has an ideal climate with average daytime temperatures of 72 degrees and plenty of sunshine. It seems as if there is an infinite amount of things to do and see in San Diego, so be sure to start planning your visit to San Diego and the 40th ASPE Annual Meeting.
Call For Papers
ASPE is soliciting papers for both oral and poster consideration in precision engineering areas listed below. ASPE has a proactive and conscious commitment to determinism and expertise in precision engineering. We might summarize our creed of determinism as the commitment to ensuring results with high certainty by 1) a first-principles understanding of performance and error sources; 2) pursuit of repeatability; 3) expressing performance using quantifiable metrics; and 4) the ability to measure and often control these quantifiable metrics. ASPE challenges authors to identify the elements in their presented work that contribute to determinism.
- Controls and Mechatronics
- Metrology Systems
- Precision Design
- Precision Manufacturing
- Micro-Nano Technologies
- Surface Characterization and Applications of Measurement Science
- Other Aspects of Precision Engineering or Educational and/or Historical Aspects of Precision Engineering
Plan to submit a short abstract using this template. Instructions on how to submit your short abstract for consideration by the planning committee are forthcoming. Short abstracts are due Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
One of the important commitments of the Annual Meeting is that authors whose papers are accepted provide an extended abstract of 4-6 pages for inclusion in the conference Proceedings. Extended abstracts for accepted papers are expected to be due in September 2025. Extended abstracts are included as part of the Proceedings published the week of the conference when they are made available to all attendees.
Awards and Scholarships
ASPE encourages students who have not been awarded any scholarship from ASPE in the past to apply for Student Scholarships. The scholarships will offset the conference fees, and depending on the scholarship, will offset travel costs with a financial award. Applications are due by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
The College of Fellows recognizes and honors exceptional members of the Society who have made outstanding contributions to the art and practice of Precision Engineering. Nominations are due by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
The Early Career Award recognizes important technical contributions from ASPE members who are in the early stages of their careers. Nominations for these two awards are due by Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
Student Challenge
ASPE is proud to host the popular and well-received Annual Student Challenge this year in San Diego. The Student Challenge Committee is busy planning this year’s Challenge, so details about the technical Challenge and how to register your team are forthcoming.