2024 ASPE-euspen Summer Topical Meeting
Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, Colorado, USA
Monday – Friday, July 15-19, 2024

This topical meeting focused on Additive Manufacturing began in 2014 as Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing. This year’s ASPE-euspen Topical Meeting on Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing is our eleventh meeting in the series, and we have seen accelerating interest in our unique set of topics, generally focused on achieving determinism in how we develop and integrate AM into a precision manufacturing chain. The metrology challenges, both workpiece and in-process, are among the most challenging and interesting among all of manufacturing.
This year’s meeting will be hosted by Professor Joy Gockel at the Colorado School of Mines and will feature a tour of the ADAPT multidisciplinary center for additive manufacturing, as well as a tour of NIST. Golden is in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and its origins are attributed to the gold rush in the mid 1800s. Golden has an abundance of things to do, including outdoor activities and cultural activities.

Registration Category | On or Before June 30 | After June 30 |
Regular (ASPE Member & Non-Member) | $525 | $625 |
Student ( (ASPE Member & Non-Member) | $265 | $315 |
Regular Tutorial Fee (ASPE Member & Non-Member) | $250 | $300 |
Student Tutorial Fee (ASPE Member & Non-Member) | $125 | $150 |
NIST Tour Transportation Fee | $36 | NIST Tour not Available |
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The technical tour to NIST will be on Friday, July 19. NIST is a controlled-access facility and a separate NIST registration must be completed no later than June 30, 2024.
After registering for the 2024 ASPE-euspen Summer Topical Meeting, you will then be directed to the NIST site to register for the NIST tour. This registration is required for access to the NIST facility. Guests who do not complete this registration will not be permitted to enter NIST’s campus.
All persons participating in the NIST tour must also register for the Transportation Fee.
REGISTRATION POLICY: ASPE policy requires that all attendees including members, nonmembers, authors, invited speakers, and session chairpersons pay the appropriate registration fees.
ASPE REFUND POLICY: Conference fee is refundable only when registration is cancelled in writing and received at ASPE headquarters before or on June 30, 2024. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER JUNE 30, 2024.
PAYMENT: Both U.S. and international participants may pay by credit card or check. Otherwise, international check payments must be made in U.S. dollars, by draft on a U.S. bank, or international money order. If your payment is made by transfer from a foreign bank, please include a copy of the transfer order.