In Person Only (on the MIT Campus)
5A-Fundamentals of Precision Design – Part 1: Machine Design from Concepts to Details
5B-Fundamentals of Precision Design – Part 2: Error Modeling and Error Budgeting
Dr. Alex Slocum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Maximum Number of Participants: 20
Sunday, November 12, 2023
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST USA) – Part 1
Sunday, November 12, 2023
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM (EST USA) – Part 2
Part 1 of this tutorial provides a fast-paced hands-on introduction to rapid precision machine design based on FUNdaMENTAL principles including theory and best practices. Topics include: initial error allocation to enable rapid design, principles of accuracy, repeatability and resolution, bearings, structures, and actuators. Kinematic and elastic averaging-based designs and the implications for bearing life and dynamic performance are stressed with F=kx and w= sqrt(k/m) as recurring themes throughout the design of a machine. Examples will be presented to show how FUNdaMENTAL principles are critically important for an engineer to understand in order to be able to most effectively use modern design tools such as solid modeling and finite element analysis in the design of precision machines. As the tutorial is given on-line, the hands-on aspect of the tutorial will be done via live demos.
Part 2 of this tutorial the continuation of the tutorial “Fundamentals of Precision Design“ as it assumes working knowledge of FUNdaMENTAL principles. Starting with the idea of error apportionment as a means to guide development of the overall machine and its component axes, first order analysis is used to fill out a design to meet the required accuracy goals. The initial focus is on geometric, load induced, and thermal errors of the machine in the initial design phase. As the design progresses, an overall error budget is created using a spreadsheet-based model provided. This method helps the designer with selecting machine configurations and components, and tradeoffs to meet the desired performance specification for the machine.

Alexander Slocum is the Walter M. May and A. Hazel May Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, a MacVicar Faculty Teaching Fellow, a Fellow of the ASME, and a member of the NAE. He has 150+ patents and has helped develop 12 products that have received R&D 100 awards for “one of the one hundred best new technical products of the year”. He has helped start several successful companies and has a passion for working with industry to solve real problems and identify fundamental research topics.
Alex was the Massachusetts Professor of the Year in 2000 and is the recipient of the Society of Manufacturing Engineer’s Frederick W. Taylor Research Medal, and the ASME Leonardo daVinci, Machine Design, and Thar Energy Awards. His current interests focus on the development of precision machines from medical devices and instruments to energy harvesting and storage machines. He served on the DoE Science Team working on the Gulf Oil Spill and served in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President as the Assistant Director for Advanced Manufacturing. Since high school days, Alex has had a passion for furniture making and carpentry. Alex also loves sports from SCUBA to snowboarding to marathons and iron-distance triathlons.