In Person Only (on the MIT Campus)
4A and 4B – Control Fundamentals via Hands-on Experiments – Parts 1 & 2
Dr. Dave Trumper (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Maximum Number of Participants: 20
Sunday, November 12, 2023
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM (EST USA) – Part 1
Sunday, November 12, 2023
2:00 PM – 6:00 PM (EST USA) – Part 2
This tutorial will present fundamentals of control applicable to precision systems, with a hands-on perspective. Key topics include:
- transfer functions; poles and zeros
- frequency response and Bode plots
- block diagrams and manipulations
- basic modeling of DC motors
- PID control perspectives; anti-windup
- mechanical impedance
- velocity control of DC motor
- discrete-time implementation of PID control
- loop shaping concepts; lead/lag/notch compensation; phase margin, gain margin
- experimental measurement of loop transfer functions and loop tuning
- discrete-time implementation of controllers via transformations from continuous time
- PI (lag) and PID (lead/lag) control of single- and double-integrator plants
- experimental measurement of loop Bode plots.
To allow a larger number of participants, we are changing the format to be classroom centered with in class demonstrations of actual hardware to clarify concepts. There will not be an in-lab component of the course.
Attendees should sign up for both the morning and afternoon sessions, as the presentation will be cumulative.

David L. Trumper joined the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering in August 1993 and holds the rank of Professor. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from MIT in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, in 1980, 1984, and 1990, respectively. Following the Bachelor’s degree, Professor Trumper worked two years for the Hewlett-Packard Co. After finishing the Master’s degree, he worked for two years for the Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore. Upon completing the Ph.D. degree, for three years he was an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, working with Prof. Bob Hocken in the precision engineering group during the start-up of that program.
Dr. Trumper’s research centers on the design of precision mechatronic systems, with a focus on the design of novel mechanisms, actuators, sensors, and control systems. He has conducted research in topics including precision motion control, high-performance manufacturing equipment, novel measurement instruments, biomedical and bioinstrumentation devices, and high-precision magnetic suspensions and bearings.