The University of Texas Austin – Team 2

Laura Homiller is currently a graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin, conducting research under Dr. Lei Zhou in the Precision Mechatronics and Control Lab. She received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M in 2020. Outside of the lab, Laura dabbles in woodworking, knitting, and piano.

Aaron Liao is a second year graduate student at The University of Texas at Austin studying Mechanical Engineering. Prior to starting graduate school, he graduated with a B.S. from UT Austin in 2020, Also in Mechanical Engineering. His research is on microscale additive manufacturing of metals for application in the semiconductor packaging industry, which he wishes to pursue a career in. In his free time he enjoys photography, bouldering, and video games. LinkedIn

Parth N. Pandya received his B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Electrical Engineering. Parth is currently a PhD student under Prof. S.V. Sreenivasan in the Scalable Nanotechnologies Lab at NASCENT, UT Austin. His research interests are precision machine design and controls, fabrication of nanoscale devices, modelling and optimization of imprint lithography processes. LinkedIn