Auburn University/Ohio State University

Cyrus Lloyd is a Junior in aerospace engineering at Auburn University. He has 6 years of machining experience and a passion for precision machine design. Currently, he works as a Senior M.A. in the Auburn Engineering Makerspace machine shop. Among training students on how to use machines, he functions as a consultant who works with teams, senior design groups, and researchers to help get their designs finalized with a design for manufacturing in mind and helps to machine them. His personal research interests include single point diamond turning, hydrostatic and aerostatic bearings, and ultraprecision mechanism design. Currently he is working to develop a low-cost diamond turning lathe to bring ultraprecision manufacturing to Auburn and he plans to pursue a PhD in an adjacent field. LinkedIn

Andrew Young is a senior undergrad student in mechanical engineering at the Ohio State University. High precision manufacturing and engineering has been a fascination for most of his life, because of how important a role it plays in enabling many kinds of advanced technology. He obtained his first lathe as a freshman in high school and has spent the years since then refining machining skills and studying machine tool design. This has led to 4 consecutive years of employment in one of OSU’s campus machine shops. Besides this, he has a passion for research, and is also employed in the Micro Nano Multiphysical Dynamics Lab led by Dr. Hanna Cho, where his is developing a microfabrication process for a new type of highly specialized atomic force microscopy probes, based on state of the art maskless photolithography. Outside of work he enjoys exploring analog systems, and you can often find him at his electronics bench constructing amplifiers, filters, and mechanical transducers. LinkedIn

Nicholas Browning
Biography Not Available