33rd Annual Meeting
Sunday – Friday, November 4 – November 9, 2018
Red Rock Casino • Resort • Spa
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Chair:
Kate M. Medicus, Ruda Cardinal, Inc.
Edward P. Morse (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Date and Time: TBA
This tutorial will discuss standards for machine tools, measuring instruments, and the geometric specification (tolerances) of workpieces. We will begin with a discussion of the standardization process and the committee structure for standards within the US, as well as parallel standards committees within ISO. We will then cover the primary standards in use by US industry. For each standard or series of standards we will identify the primary coverage of the standards, the specification or verification methods, and recent changes within the standards. The tutorial will conclude with an in-depth exploration of one or two recent standards, focusing on how they reflect the current thinking on specification, uncertainty, decision rules for acceptance, and verification.
Main standards addressed in this tutorial (by committee):
ASME B5, B46, B89, Y14, and ISO TC39, TC213