Session Description:
Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and engineering management that focuses on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems over their life cycles. At its core, systems engineering utilizes systems thinking principles to organize this body of knowledge.” This is what Wikipedia says about SE. While SE is well established and standardized in industries such as aerospace and automotive, in high-tech equipment the application is more diverse. The basic principles are similar, such as doing requirements management, but a domain specific flavor is used. Typically in high-tech equipment the volumes are low, complexity can be extremely high, unreliability affects productivity and not human lives and time to market is critical. This leads to a specific way of “doing SE” and this tutorial will thus focus on precision engineered high-tech equipment.
After a general introduction of the tutors and the field of SE, three topics will be discussed, covering the range from “why” via “what” to “how”. Underlying will be the general SE principles, e.g. breaking down a system in modules, and the steps will be illustrated for a high-tech semiconductor equipment tool.
In a first block, the starting points of a system development will be explored. The “why” question must be asked at the beginning of every new development and in this part we will discuss which factors influence the answer to this question. A high-tech interpretation of the Maslov pyramid will be presented to put the answer in perspective, as well as identify and prioritize the leading system requirements.
Secondly, techniques for system error budgeting are discussed, including how statistics will affect these. The motivation for error budgeting is explained, and the extension to other system budgets. A basic tool for budgeting is a computer spreadsheet, while more advanced tools are available. For this training, we will focus on the basics and present a practical approach using the example of a semiconductor tool.
Thirdly and lastly, the balancing of system parameters will be explained, and how to maximize value while minimizing parameters such as cost and risk. The customer perspective is taken as starting point, and models are developed to calculate the impact of parameter changes on customer value drivers. Again, a practical approach will be shown.

Ton Peijnenburg leads the Systems Engineering group at VDL ETG Technology & Development, where he is also deputy general manager. VDL ETG is a contract development and manufacturing partner for high-tech equipment. In 2005, Ton was appointed research fellow at the High Tech Systems Center of Eindhoven University of Technology. A main focus is the development of a systems engineering and systems thinking curriculum at the university. He studied Electrical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology where he obtained his MSc in 1992.
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As of May 1st, 2020, Jos de Klerk is a senior system engineer at VDL ETG, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where he is involved in multiple high tech innovative and complex product developments and is setting up an internal system engineering education program. Jos has 26 years of experience in the semiconductor industry and has worked at ASML for 23 years, of which 15 years as a system engineer. Jos holds a MSc degree in Physics from Delft University of Technology.