Tutorial 3A: Precision Design Principles – 2
Session Description:
The Design Principles for Precision Mechanisms tutorial is about the conceptual approach to designing precision mechanisms like manipulators, scientific instruments, precision equipment, etc. It focuses on the mechanical aspects of precision in a mechatronic system context. Extra attention is devoted to essential “details” making the difference between a good and bad design. Both practical and theoretical approaches will be detailed. The analysis of the tutorial subjects will be both intuitively and model-based.
Design Principles for Precision Mechanisms 1
Introduction to Design Principles (van Rens)
Design for Stiffness: Fundamentals & Energy method (van Rens)
Design for Stiffness: Material usage optimization (van den Berg)
Degrees of Freedom: Exact constraint design (van den Berg)
Reference systems: Dealing with accuracies in manufacturing and assembly (van Rens)
Design Principles for Precision Mechanisms 2
Degrees of Freedom: practical and mathematical analysis methods (Brouwer)
Flexure Design for Precision: Basics, Stages, Large range of motion (Brouwer)
Degrees of Freedom: consequences of over / under constraints (Brouwer)
Minimizing hysteresis in clamps: analysis (van den Berg)
Minimizing hysteresis in couplings (van Rens)

Piet van Rens
Retired Partner at Settels Savenije van Amelsvoort, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
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Susan van den Berg
Lecturer at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, the Netherlands,
Owner and author at Berg Precision Publishing, Waalre, the Netherlands.
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Dannis Brouwer
Full Professor and chair of the Precision Engineering lab at the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
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