About ASPE
The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) strives to advance the art, science, and technology of precision engineering.
The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) strives to advance the art, science, and technology of precision engineering.
[button url=”https://www.xcdsystem.com/aspe/member/register.cfm” target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#b71f3c” color=”#ffffff” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”no” radius=”auto” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none”]Become a Member[/button] [divider top=”no” anchor=”#” style=”default” divider_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#ffffff” size=”1″ margin=”15″]Who We Are
ASPE is a nonprofit association of professionals, researchers, and students who are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in design, manufacturing, and metrology. ASPE members represent a variety of technical areas – from engineering (mechanical, electrical, optical and industrial) to materials science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science – and are employed in industry, academia and national labs.
[divider top=”no” anchor=”#” style=”default” divider_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#ffffff” size=”1″ margin=”15″]How We Got Started
There had long been a “community” of precision engineers within the U.S., but a formal structure and common focus was lacking. This was not the case in Japan, as evidenced by the large and active Japanese Society of Precision Engineers. In November, 1985, a join U.S. – Japanese meeting on precision engineering included a special session to discuss the possibility of forming an American Society. The enthusiasm of the participants and the overwhelming response to a subsequent questionnaire provided momentum. By November 1986, the American Society for Precision Engineering was incorporated and held its first Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.
[divider top=”no” anchor=”#” style=”default” divider_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#ffffff” size=”1″ margin=”15″]Vision
To be an essential resource for advancing the art and science of Precision Engineering
To advance the arts and sciences of Precision Engineering by enabling its dissemination through education and training, providing an inclusive forum for collaboration and interaction, and promoting its widespread use in science and engineering.
ASPE at a Glance
The American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE) strives to advance the art, science, and technology of precision engineering.