33rd Annual Meeting


Sunday – Friday, November 4 – November 9, 2018
Red Rock Casino • Resort • Spa
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Conference Chair:
Kate M. Medicus, Ruda Cardinal, Inc.

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Craig M. Shakarji (National Institute of Standards & Technology) and
Steven D. Phillips (National Institute of Standards & Technology)
Date and Time:  TBA

Through a series of deliberately chosen examples, we will cover several issues in measurement uncertainty evaluations that arise in many applications. The examples will primarily be from dimensional metrology but should extend across disciplines with respect to their underlying principles.

To get the most out of this tutorial, participants should already be familiar with the basic concepts of the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement) such as assigning standard uncertainties from data (standard deviations) and from specified probability distributions, coverage factors and expanded uncertainties, combining uncertainty sources in a RSS manner and the basic concept of correlation.

The course will discuss fundamental issues such as the careful definition of measurands, the understanding of the rated operating conditions of measuring systems and the corresponding instrument MPEs (Maximum Permissible Errors), corrections and associated uncertainty components when the measurand is not realized, limited sampling, and the use of simulation.