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    • #121359

      Hi everyone! I recently came across the brand Techwear Canada and was very impressed with their approach to clothing – everything is so dark, technical, just like from some post-apocalyptic or cyberpunk world. Question: is it really something unique, or is it just another trend that will blow away in a couple seasons? I look at their collections and realize that things like jackets and pants look really cool, but it’s all kind of more “style” oriented than actual functionality. I’m not sure if it’s even worth investing in such clothing if you don’t plan on wearing it around night cities or participating in futuristic street battles. Have any of you tried wearing clothes from Techwear Canada? What do you think of their quality and is it really comfortable for everyday life?

    • #121405

      I just purchased a couple of items from a couple months ago – and I can share a lot of impressions. First of all, I’d like to say that if you’re just looking for trendy things that will fit in with the general trend, then yes, it’s quite the right brand. But if your question is about actual functionality, then it’s more complicated. At first glance it seems to be just another “technical style” with only gloom and futurism behind it, but if you dig deeper, it turns out that things do have their own specialty. I got myself their jacket with multiple layers and wind protection, and a pair of pants with lots of pockets to hang all sorts of gadgets on. The jacket, for example, has a membrane that really protects against rain and its material is breathable. Considering that I often move around the city in rainy weather, this proved to be very practical. The pockets, which can be adjusted and closed with zippers, also turned out to be unexpectedly convenient – no need to carry bags or backpacks, everything can be stuffed into the pockets, and the clothes don’t look overloaded like some brands. But! There’s one important point here – there’s a certain style behind all this functionality. Things are definitely super technical and they look like they’re from the future. But I sometimes feel like that kind of style is not for everyone. If you don’t want to be the center of attention and attract the stares of passersby, it’s not for you.

    • #121466

      I once looked at this brand too, but I decided for myself that techno-style is not really my format. Although, of course, they have some things that could be taken in the “experiment” style. And I’m personally interested in how these clothes can be combined with the usual urban style – for example, with jeans or sneakers, and not only with what looks like “the pursuit of technology”.

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