Adam W. Jaycox leads the Precision Systems and Manufacturing (PS&M) group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). He joined the laboratory in 2014 in their Hydrodynamics Testing Group where he supported process development for an LLNL-developed additive manufacturing technology and the development of novel experimental platforms for the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Throughout these projects he has led efforts in establishing and validating new dimensional metrology approaches for nontraditional and challenging materials. In addition, as lead engineer for the productionization of the proprietary additive manufacturing technology he promoted the application of precision principles to quantify and enhance process repeatability and reproducibility. These efforts enabled rapid advancement through the Technology Readiness Levels and adoption into a production environment. In his time at LLNL, he has received numerous awards including two Director’s Science & Technology Awards and the Department of Energy’s Secretary’s Honor Award. Over the last two years Adam has been building a portfolio of Advanced Manufacturing projects with a focus of applying precision engineering/precision design principles to further capabilities in areas such as automation of boutique manufacturing and high fidelity “digital twins”.
Adam has been a member of ASPE since 2017 after attending his first Annual Meeting and presenting a poster on his previous work for his Masters Thesis at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. At the 2018 Annual Meeting he co-presented a tutorial on Sensors for Precision Engineering, which was reprised and expanded for this year’s meeting. In his role as group leader for PS&M he has introduced new engineers on the team to ASPE and has worked to secure funding for them to participate in Annual and Topical Meetings. In addition, Adam has been a strong proponent of LLNL’s support of the ASPE student challenge and building collaborations between LLNL and university/industry partners. If selected to chair the Precision Design TLC he will seek to expand the committee’s engagement with the student challenge, and he will also work with committee members to identify opportunities to interact more broadly with students and early career engineers involved in precision design activities.