Virtual 35th Annual Meeting

Virtual 35th Annual Meeting The Virtual 35th Annual Meeting has concluded. Thank you for those who attended the 35th Annual Meeting!Conference Chair: Marcin Bauza, ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions [image_carousel source=”media: 23607,23608,23609,23610,23611,23612,23613,23614,23615,23616,23617,23618″ limit=”16″ controls_style=”light” crop=”none” columns=”3″ align=”center” autoplay=”3″ image_size=”full”] [button url=”” target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#b71f3c” color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]About the 35th Annual Meeting [/button][button url=”” target=”blank” style=”soft” … Continue reading Virtual 35th Annual Meeting